Invitation to the Extra Ordinary General Assembly of the Shareholders of the Company ‘FRAPORT REGIONAL AIRPORTS OF GREECE MANAGEMENT COMPANY S.A.’
According to the Articles of Association and following a relevant decision of the Board or Directors of the Company ‘FRAPORT REGIONAL AIRPORTS OF GREECE MANAGEMENT COMPANY S.A.’, the shareholders of the company are invited to the Extra Ordinary General Assembly on Wednesday 30th December 2020, at 12:30 hours for resolutions on the following issues of the agenda:
(a) Election of new members of Board of Directors.
(b) Amendment to the Company’s articles of association.
(c) Other issues.
Applying articles 136 L. 4548/2018, 27 L. 4753/2020, 17.5 and 22.4 of the Articles of Association of FRAPORT REGIONAL AIRPORTS OF GREECE MANAGEMENT COMPANY S.A., the Extra Ordinary General Assembly will proceed with the drawing up and execution of the relevant minutes of the aforementioned General Assembly by all shareholders by circulation, which equals to a resolution by the General Assembly, and the company will not proceed with a physical meeting of the shareholders.