Environmental Strategy

The Annual Environmental Report is the result of FG’s compliance to the Environmental Requirements set in the Concession Agreement, three months after the Concession Commencement Date of the 11th of April 2017.

The Environmental Strategy outlines the methods to minimize environmental impacts during the implementation of infrastructure upgrades and growth in operations in response to the 2017 Master Plans. Additionally, the strategy details the ongoing high quality environmental management of the airports.

The specific objectives and targets outlined in this Environment Strategy will provide a framework to ensure social, economic, and environmental goals are reflected in the development and every day running of each airport.

Environmental aspects addressed are: sustainable development, soil management, surface and groundwater, biodiversity, cultural heritage, air quality, noise and waste management. Potential impacts are presented for every environmental aspect, along with preventive actions. Finally, for each environmental aspect specific targets are presented accompanied with a respective fulfilment timeframe.

Click the links below to get detailed information about the Environmental Strategy for Clusters A & B.

1st Annual Environmental Strategy Report – Cluster A
1st Annual Environmental Strategy Report – Cluster B

2nd Annual Environmental Strategy Report - Cluster A 
2nd Annual Environmental Strategy Report - Cluster B

3rd Annual Environmental Strategy Report - Cluster A 
3rd Annual Environmental Strategy Report - Cluster B

4th Annual Environmental Strategy Report - Cluster A
4th Annual Environmental Strategy Report - Cluster B

5th Annual Environmental Strategy Report - Cluster A
5th Annual Environmental Strategy Report - Cluster B

6th Annual Environmental Strategy Report - Cluster A
6th Annual Environmental Strategy Report - Cluster B

7th Annual Environmental Strategy Report - Cluster A
7th Annual Environmental Strategy Report - Cluster B

8th Annual Environmental Strategy Report - Cluster A
8th Annual Environmental Strategy Report - Cluster B

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